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***************************** - JG-LEATHERS PHOTOGRAPHS - - PAGE THREE - TOYS & ASSORTED EQUIPMENT: PART THREE ***************************** Here, you'll find an assortment of the stuff I've created and received over the years, not in any particular order, and hope you get a few chuckles from the creative idiocy and sensation slut goodies you'll see below. FOUR ABOVE - A couple of variations of my favourite female restraint, the Inhibitor Bar. Additional control is obviously provided by the employment of the ankle cuffs and their hobble chain and/or a leash. Further 'entertainment' for the wearer can be instituted by means of the electrifiable dildo. The Zoom-Bizarre cuff sets, belt and collar as they arrived from the manufacturer. They came in with partial finishing, even though ready for use, but being the person I am, I wanted something a little more 'finished' and so took ground off the rougher portions then took them to a local company and had everything cadmium plated. The resultant sets, after being brush-finished by me and ready for use. Absolutely secure with the specialized locks supplied by the manufacturer. ABOVE - Some detail imagery of the Male Electric Bra. This is a first version and so a little crude, but when worn and hooked up to the appropriate e-stim equipment, either hard-wired or wireless remote, the wearer will very definitely pay attention. Although the chair above isn't my personal toy, created by and belonging to Mark of Seriousbondage, this piece is a classic, and one I hope to create for myself sometime soon. More toys :-)!! The three pictures above show the 'support' equipment that normally accompanies TC when I travel, with the exception of the PLV-100 Respirator. The three images in the section above show the newest accessory, soon to be added to The over all set of equipment that makes The Creature into the fearsome and extremely effective environment it is. The machine in the blue case is a Puritan-Bennett, hospital issue, ventilator/respirator and will be used to regulate the breathing and air mix of the person in The Creature. The thing even sounds scary! Of course, there's more to this machine and I've recently received all of the 'completion parts' (another two large boxes) and here's some idea of the spares and accessories that come with the machine. More images will come when this whole thing is integrated to the TC ensemble, and the others will follow, with some video also being taken, when it's been put into operation, so stay tuned. In another area, in the continuing acquisition of new toys, I've been fortunate to obtain a new E-stim device, the E-PLAY, made in Munich. THIS is a pretty incredible piece of technology. Basically, its a full function e-stim device capable being controlled by either the hand held remote ... OR ... by your cel-phone! Just think about that. You can, quite literally, "reach out and touch someone" anywhere in the world :-). Being the inveterate putterer that I am, I wanted this device to be capable of being securely attached to the The Creature, or anything else I was wearing, and so proceeded to make a pouch for it that would meet that need. Now all I have to do is to find someone trustworthy enough to not send me into orbit while they have the control. Below are some images of the pouch. Of course any E-stim machine has to have the appropriate body contact devices! Believe me, I've got those in abundance, and what I don't have, and can't make, I buy. To this end I've got a bi-polar butt plug and a pair or RIMBA bi-polar breast cup-type electrodes that will ALL light up your life in the most interesting of ways, be you male or female. In the photo's below, you'll see how they're attached to the E-Play machine. ---------------------
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OK, before you go ANY further, let me reiterate that playing with E-Stim above the waist is bloody DANGEROUS!!!! It can KILL you if you're not REALLY paying attention!! I have a reasonable knowledge of messing in this area, but am NOT an expert, nevertheless, I continue to experiment. Should you one day read that I have commenced pushing up the daisies, you'll understand why. All of the above being said, I ensure that my polarities are correctly set up, then apply the breast electrodes. No need to go into the other area (so to speak), but it can be substituted and/or used in combination with a vaginal or penile electrical arrangement and I can already tell you that this machine is bloody effective and powerful. believe me, if the controller wants, you can soon be made to dance the light fantastic, whether you want to or not! ***************************** - JG-LEATHERS PHOTOGRAPHS - INDEX & ARCHIVE PAGE IS HERE - - HOME - |